Free Soil Carbon Measurement

with the National Soil Carbon Innovation Challenge

Carbon West has partnered with Farmlab and The University of Queensland to offer free soil carbon sampling and analysis.

We will take soil samples from eighteen sites across two paddocks on your Western Australian farm. Different management practices on the paddocks, such as legumes vs cereals, or cropping vs grazing, need to have been applied.

Complete the form below to register your interest, and we will contact you for more details if required.

This soil carbon sampling and analysis, valued up to $7000, is available through the Federal Government National Soil Carbon Innovation Challenge grant program.

Click the image to download this flyer

Learn more about how carbon can work on your property

  • Is there money to be made from carbon?

  • How can carbon work within your farming business?

  • What sorts of carbon farming is your farm eligible to operate?

Carbon West can produce an ‘ERF Carbon Opportunities Report’ with specific advice on how carbon can work for you on your property.